With approval by the Arcola School District and the Douglas County Health Department, Arcola High School athletes will begin voluntary workouts on Thursday, June 11. These workouts may only include strength and conditioning. No sport specific training is allowed as of this point.
In order to maintain the highest level of safety possible, Arcola High School will be following these guidelines as set forth by the IHSA:
Students are limited to 3 hours of participation per day.
These requirements must be followed when conducting voluntary strength and conditioning sessions:
• Maintain social distance by being 6 feet apart.
• Masks shall be worn when social distance cannot be maintained.
• Follow gathering guidelines of groups of 10 or less including the coach and medical personnel.
• Groups of 10 or less must be pre-determined.
• Once groups are determined, students may not switch from one group to another based upon sport. Students that participate in multiple sports for the year are encouraged to be grouped, for summer participation, in their fall sport.
• Interaction between groups shall be avoided.
• Sessions can only include weightlifting, running, and exercises designed to promote physical fitness.
• Sport-specific drills are not permitted, and sport-specific equipment may not be used.
• Implement diligent and effective cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects and surfaces following the guidance of the CDC and IDPH.
• Coaches must maintain a daily record of what athletes are participating, when, symptoms they may present. Athletes should be monitored at the start of practice for temperature >100.4F/37C or symptoms of COVID-19 (fevers, chills, cough, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of taste or smell). If symptoms are present they should not participate in practice and should be referred to a physician for evaluation and testing.
• Free weight exercises that require a spotter cannot be conducted while honoring social distancing norms. Safety measures in all forms must be strictly enforced in the weight room.
• Players shall bring their own water bottle, shoes, towels, and other personal equipment. The use of locker rooms, shared water coolers with cups, and water fountains will be prohibited during this stage.
• Parents/guardians must provide either an electronic signature or submit a handwritten signature granting permission for the student to participate in the voluntary strength and conditioning sessions.