
March 13, 2020                                                                  ***Daily Announcements*** 


The Drama Club will perform a preview of the play “Back to the 80’s” today during 5th hour. JH and HS students will be dismissed at 11:32am for the play.

PBIS Celebration- Students will report to 7th hour for attendance. Teachers will provide directions to the students and then dismiss them at 12:40pm.


Congratulations to the Rotary Seniors of the Month for February- Jacob Butler and Braedyn Edwards!

All Conference Girls Basketball Recognition- 1st Team Kaylee Hohlbauch and 2nd Team Ariana Warren!

Congrats to the following students for having their art selected for the 11th Annual Eric Show: Alexia Guajardo, Brooklyn Kelmel, Mitchel Myers, Tiya Patel, Cecilia Harden, Karina Warfel, and Kaylee McKinney.  Artwork will be on display at the Illini Union gallery until March 29.

Congrats to Tiya Patel for winning the Arcola First Bank art contest. All entries are on display in the bank lobby for public viewing through the month of March.

The HS girls basketball banquet will be held on Monday, March 16th at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. Monical’s pizza will be provided, please bring your own drinks.

The Arcola High School Drama Club presents Back to the 80’s! An amazing group of student actors and crew members have been working incredibly hard to make this show come together, so you don’t want to miss it!  Come out and enjoy a fun and hilarious show.  Saturday, March 14th at 7pm and Sunday, March 15 at 2pm in the JH Gym. Admission is $5 adults and $3 for students.

Strides Against Hunger 5K & 1Mile Run/Walk & Dog Walk is April 18th.  Official entry forms are available in the mailbox outside the HS office. Registration fee is $20 before race day and $25 the day of the race. Check in time is 7:00am @ the Arcola Masonic Community Center. Shirts are guaranteed if registration is received by 04/13/2020. A free community breakfast will be provided by the Arcola Food Pantry from 8:00-10:30am. Donations will be accepted and appreciated.


Student Opportunities:

Operation HOPE is sponsoring a logo contest. It is open to any high school student and must be eye catching, legible, creative, and incorporate Operation HOPE into the visual. See the guidance officeor visit for more information. Designs are due Monday.

Allen Roberts Fund Financial Support:

Jaye Roberts has chosen to honor the life of her son, U.S Marine Corporal Allen C. Roberts, by providing annual financial support to an individual or group serving youth in the Arcola community, in an effort to promote growth and leadership among young people. Recipients may include, but are not limited to school, church, and civic organizations. Applications are available in the high school office and are due April 15, 2020. For more information, please leave a message with Sue Stout 268-3190.


Guidance News:

Seniors- the scholarship deadline is March 18. Also, be on the lookout for emails from Mrs. Mendez with more scholarship opportunities.


Activities for this week:

Today:                                 FCA Spring Sports Kick-off- Coffee & Donuts

                                           Spring Sports Activity Pictures

                                           3rd Quarter PBIS Celebration 12:45-2:55

                                           Hand out report cards @ 2:55pm

Saturday:                            HS Track & Field Girls Indoor at EIU 10:00am

                                           -Bus leaves at 7:30am

                                           AHS Drama- Back to the 80’s @ JH Gym 7:00pm

Sunday:                              AHS Drama- Back to the 80’s 2:00pm


Activities for next week:


Tuesday:                           Scholastic Bowl JH vs ALAH @ Arthur 4:00pm

                                         -Bus leaves at 3:20pm

                                          Softball vs Chrisman @Paris American Legion (1031 N Main St.) 6:30

                                         -Bus leaves at 2:45pm

Wednesday:                      Baseball vs Monticello @ Home 4:30pm

                                          Softball vs Monticello @ Home 4:30pm

Thursday:                          No School – Spring Break

                                          Scholastic Bowl JH vs Lovington @ Lovington 4:00pm

                                         -Bus leaves at 3:10pm

Friday:                               No School- Spring Break

                                          Baseball vs Paris @ Paris 4:30pm

                                         -Bus leaves at 2:45pm

                                          Softball vs Paris @ Paris 4:30pm

                                          -Bus leaves at 2:45pm

Saturday:                           HS Track and Field Boys Indoor at EIU 10:00am

                                          -Bus leaves at 8:00am


Activities for the following week:

Monday:                              Softball vs Shelbyville @ Home 4:30pm

Tuesday:                             Softball vs Shelbyville vs Central A&M @ Home 4:30pm

                                            Baseball vs Central A&M @ Home 4:30pm

                                            HS Track vs Sullivan, ALAH, Judah, VH, T-Town @ Sullivan 4:00pm

                                          -Bus leaves at 2:45pm

                                          JHOC- JH Scholastic Bowl @ Home 4:00pm

Wednesday:                       Baseball vs Windsor @ Home 4:30pm

                                          Softball vs Stew-Stras @ Home 4:30pm

Thursday:                           JH Scholastic Bowl vs Villa Grove @ VG 4:00pm

                                          -Bus leaves at 3:00pm

                                           HS Track & Field vs Paris-Mayo @ Paris-Mayo 4:00pm

                                          -Bus leaves at 2:45pm

                                           Softball vs Meridian @ Macon 4:30                                                -                                             Bus leaves at 2:30pm

Friday:                                Band Lock-In 6:00pm