Due to poor road conditions, the Arcola School District is cancelling school for Friday, February 4. This will be a snow day.
about 3 years ago, Tom Mulligan
Due to the weather situation, the Arcola School District is cancelling school and all activities for Thursday, February 3. This will be a snow day.
about 3 years ago, Tom Mulligan
The Arcola School District is cancelling school for Wednesday, February 2 due to the projected weather conditions. Any days taken this week will be emergency/snow days with no online school component. Decisions regarding Thursday will be made later depending on weather conditions.
about 3 years ago, Tom Mulligan
Football equipment turn in will be tomorrow after school. Please have everything ready to go to be turned in.
about 3 years ago, Nick Lindsey
Yes, yes, yes! The Veterans Day parade is still on for this afternoon! (We trust Mother Nature will cooperate with the current weather forecast, which calls for the rain to end before lunch.)
over 3 years ago, Emily Coombe
parade route
A couple items regarding Saturday's game at Brown County: Admission will be $6 per IHSA Guidelines. Also- They do not allow outside food or drink in their facilities so they do not allow tailgating. We hope to see as many people as possible Saturday in Mt Sterling!
over 3 years ago, Nick Lindsey
Arcola Purple Rider Events for Saturday, October 30th -
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
Per IHSA policy, admission for all people into Saturday's playoff game will be $5. Only exception is a baby carried into the game. Go Riders!!
over 3 years ago, Nick Lindsey
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It’s everything Arcola, in your pocket. If you haven’t already, download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2WKCRDW or iPhone: https://apple.co/2w3Xijq..
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
New App Information
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2WKCRDW or iPhone: https://apple.co/2w3Xijq..
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
New App Information
We’re thrilled to announce Arcola CUSD #306’s new app! It’s everything Arcola, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2WKCRDW or iPhone: https://apple.co/2w3Xijq
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
New App Information
The Arcola School District recently mailed newsletters to all members of the community. The English and Spanish version of the newsletter can be found at https://www.arcola.k12.il.us/article/551813?org=arcola-cusd
over 3 years ago, Tom Mulligan
We are looking for someone to come work with our awesome kitchen staff. https://5il.co/yb3l
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
Help Wanted
The Arcola School District is seeking candidates for a full-time paraprofessional to work with students in Grades K-6. Applicants must be willing to obtain a paraprofessional license. If interested, e-mail letter of interest to Megan Clark at mclark@arcolaschools.com.
over 3 years ago, Tom Mulligan
Reminder there is a parent meeting for football players tonight at 6pm in the bleachers at the football field.
over 3 years ago, Nick Lindsey
2021-2022 School Supply Lists --- Don't forget that each students is expected to provided their own headphones to use and leave at school. Earbuds or over the ear headphones will both work. Which ever the child prefers. Elementary https://5il.co/ubk9 Jr. High https://5il.co/ubkg High School https://5il.co/ubke
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
The 2021-2022 school year is quickly approaching, which means it is time to register you student(s). Parents, if you do not have a log in for Teacher Ease, email Mrs. Hohlbauch at jhohlbauch@arcolaschools.com, and give your student(s) name(s) and grade level(s). If you already have a log in but do not remember the password, simply click on the forgot password link to reset it. For elementary students, homeroom teachers will not be given out until students are registered.
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
Don't Wait Clip Art
2021-2022 School Supply Lists --- Don't forget that each students is expected to provided their own headphones to use and leave at school. Earbuds or over the ear headphones will both work. Which ever the child prefers. Elementary https://5il.co/ubk9 Jr. High https://5il.co/ubkg High School https://5il.co/ubke
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
headphones clipart
Don't forget to get your student(s) registered for the 2021-2022 school year. DON'T WAIT!!!!!!! Online Registration is open. Teacher Ease has made a few changes to the online registration process, so it will look a little different this year, but is just as simple to complete. Another item to note is if you wish to select iPad insurance through online registration you will be required to pay online with a debit or credit card. If do not wish to pay online you will have to come into the school to have iPad insurance added to your student(s) accounts and pay the $15 per student. * iPad insurance is only available for 7th - 12th grade students. Online registration will require an active account in Teacher Ease. Active accounts will require the same login that is used to check student grades. If an account has not been set up, please email Mrs. Hohlbauch jhohlbauch@arcolaschools.com and provide your email address, student(s) names, grade level(s), and what children should be linked together. If you have forgotten your login information to Teacher Ease you can go to www.teacherease.com, and click on the forgot password link. For anyone that does not have the ability to complete registration online on their own, school computers will be available for you to use on August 3rd from 4:00 - 7:00 PM. New Students - including PreK students must call the school to set up a time to register your child(ren). 217-268-4961 and select the appropriate office. Click this link for all registration details - https://5il.co/ubkn
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
Don't Wait Clip Art
Don't forget - Registration Tip: We are finding that Google Chrome is the best web browser to use when completing online registration. We have heard from a few parents that they were getting a blank screen when they entered the registration process. When they tried the process within Google Chrome they did not have that issue.
over 3 years ago, Jill Hohlbauch
Tech Support